The Noida, Greater Noida, and Yamuna Authority areas are set to register 63,418 flats over the next year. This development follows the recommendations from the Amitabh Kant Committee, which aims to solve issues between builders and flat buyers. The three authorities—Noida, Greater Noida, and Yamuna—are expected to collect about 2,244 crore from builders.
The Uttar Pradesh government has put the committee's suggestions into action, which will help clear up problems related to unfinished buildings. Builders will have time to pay their dues, making it easier to register the flats. So far, applications have been received for 93 out of 161 total projects.
The money breakdown is as follows: Noida Authority will get 304.35 crore and is expected to receive 903.99 crore more in the next year, with 7,763 flats being registered. Greater Noida Authority will get 429 crore and will receive 965 crore in the coming year, with 48,776 flats being registered. The Yamuna Authority will receive 172 crore initially and 375.37 crore later, registering 6,879 flats.
Applications have only been received for 93 projects so far. Action will be taken against the projects that haven’t been applied yet. The authorities have given builders a 20-25% discount on their outstanding amounts. Builders have already paid 905.32 crore, and more money will be collected throughout the year. This process allows the authorities to issue completion certificates and start registering the flats.
Most applications have come from Greater Noida, where 66 projects out of 98 have applied. Noida has received applications for 22 out of 57 projects, and in the Yamuna Authority area, 5 out of 6 builder projects have applied.