Overview of Waqf Act 1995 And How To Find List Of Waqf Properties In India?
The Waqf Board has been in the news for years due to the allegations of encroaching and trespassing on other properties by illegally using the Waqf Act 1995. Recently, the central government is thinking of amending this act due to the backlash from citizens who have suffered because of the Waqf Act 1995. Let's get the brief introduction of Waqf Act 1995.
What is Waqf Act 1995?
The Waqf Act 1995, is a law in India that governs the administration of religious endowments, or Waqf properties. The Waqf Act defines the roles and responsibilities of the Waqf Council, State Waqf Boards, Chief Executive Officer, and Mutawalli.
Section 3: If the Waqf Board believes that a piece of land belongs to a Muslim, then they can claim it as Waqf property. The Board doesn't need to provide any proof; just their belief is enough.
Section 85: If the Waqf Tribunal decides that the land belongs to the Waqf and you cannot prove otherwise, you will be asked to leave the land. The Tribunal's decision is final, and no court, even the Supreme Court, can change it.
Section 40: If the Waqf Board claims your land, it is your responsibility to prove that you own it. The Waqf Board doesn’t have to prove anything.
Due to this unlawful act, but still, as it exists, people always tend to verify properties that are close to Muslim-majority areas or any mosque. Today, in this blog, we will tell you the most convenient way to find list of waqf properties in India to verify if your property is dispute-free.
How to identify waqf property ?
1. To verify online if your property belongs to the Waqf or not, you have to visit https://wamsi.nic.in/ (Waqf Asset Management System of India).
2. Then, from the left sidebar, select your state. After selecting your state, you will be redirected to a new page, where you have to select Search Properties.
3. Then you will see there are many options, such as district, subdistrict, urban or rural, land type, etc. Fill in all the details as per your criteria and search.
4. After clicking search, it will show you all the Waqf properties listed in the area and formats to show you the data. Click on your desired format, and it will show you the list of all those properties that have been claimed by the Waqf Board.
5. Here, I have chosen the Tabular Report Format, which is showing all the Waqf Board properties. Click on any property to view its details and images.
How to identify Waqf property with additional method ?
Now, suppose if you don’t find your property in this list, then maybe your property is not on the Waqf Board’s list. But you should always cross-verify, as sometimes the database is not updated. In that case, you need to fill out a form called the Data Verify Form on their website.
Fill in that form and send it to the address mentioned in the form by post. You can also contact them using the contact information given below, for further information.
What is Waqf Board property value in India?
The Sachar Committee Report estimates that there are 6 lakh acres of waqf land, with a market value of Rs. 1.20 lakh crore.
In conclusion, the Waqf Act 1995 governs the management of Waqf properties in India. To check list of Waqf properties in India under the Waqf Board, you can visit the WAMSI website and search by district, land type, etc. If your property is not listed, you can fill out a Data Verify Form for further verification. This process helps ensure your property remains dispute-free.