Is it possible to buy government land in India?
Government owned lands are often called authority plots too. These plots are often allotted under government plot schemes through auction and lucky draw which provides fairness for everyone who wants to participate and grab this opportunity for their various needs. Such as:
• Agricultural
• Commercial
• Industrial
• Or residential
These plots often come at more affordable prices than private plots or market prices because they are allotted under government plot schemes. When any authority, such as the Noida Authority, releases notifications for these plots, many people apply to grab this opportunity.
So it is not so easy to own these plots due to high demand, and only a few lucky ones get the chance to win these draws or bids. However, we cannot help you win bidding or draws, but we can help you with the process of how you can apply for these plots and where you can get information.
Today, in this blog, Commercial Noida will provide you with all the information you should be aware of to own authority plots.
What is the procedure of buying a land in India From Goverment?
Government-owned lands or authority plots are often available through e-auction, notifications in newspapers, various housing schemes, and lottery draws. The best way to know about such schemes is by regularly visiting your concerned authority’s website. For me, the Noida Authority, and reading all the latest notifications. You can also find such notifications in newspapers or on real estate news portals.
Here are examples of two authorities, The first one is Noida authority and second Yamuna Industrial Development Authority. They release notification regarding their plots allotment and all details you need on their website. You also have to look for such notification on your concerned authority’s website.
You can also search by terms for your respective state, like I am in Noida, I would search Government plot scheme in Noida, or Government Plot scheme near Jewar Airport. You can also search by terms Authority plots in Noida for sale or Authority plots in Noida. There would be government portals showing with the schemes, if the schemes are available it will show you.
Now you have to decide what kind of plot you want to own.
Authorities allot plots for various purposes, and they ensure that those plots are only used for the intended purpose. If a plot is released for commercial purpose, you cannot use it for residential or any other use.
You have to strictly adhere by the guidelines otherwise you can get into legal battles and will suffer a lot. This is why always read notification clearly and the purpose of use, then decide whether you want to go for those plots or not.
How would you apply for authority plots?
To apply for authority plots, you need to register as a user on their website
After you have registered as a user there, you then have to read their circular or notification regarding the plot lucky draw or auction
For example, you can see in the image below that they have mentioned everything regarding this commercial plot scheme, including where to apply, the location, site plan, and other essential information.
These schemes are also advertised through newspapers, as I have mentioned earlier.
Keep your finances arranged
These schemes are in high demand, so authorities ask for some initial amount called EMD (earnest money deposit) to secure your bid or draw.
You can also take them as down payment. But as they are government schemes, their time period is fixed, and if you are unable to pay within that time, you will be thrown out of the bid or draw. Sometimes your deposited amount or any payment done will be also seized.
Here comes the documentation stage
Once you have won the bid or your name has been selected in the lucky draw, the officials will issue an allotment letter with all the details you need to follow, such as payment plans, documentation, registry, etc.
But remember to abide by the terms and guideline as non-compliance can lead to cancellation of your allotted land.
Look for the things that need approval.
If you buy agricultural land for business, you need to apply for a Change of Land Use (CLU) certificate. If the land is not being used as originally planned, you will also need a conversion certificate from the right authority.
Change of land use certificate picture
This is also the time to apply for special approvals, if required. For example, if the land is in a protected area, you may need an environmental clearance.
Finally Property’s Registration
Once you’ve paid for the land and received the necessary approvals, you need to register the property in your name at the local Sub-Registrar's Office. You'll have to pay stamp duty and registration fees during this process.
Challenges of buying government-owned land in India
• Government land availability is low, but demand is high.
• Auctions often have high bidding benchmarks, making it tough for middle-income groups.
• Navigating complex regulations and guidelines can cause delays in the process.
• Converting purchased land can be time-consuming and expensive.
• Auction schemes may lack sufficient details about land, location, or zoning laws.
Things to keep in mind before buying government-owned land
• Look out for official notifications about land sales or leases.
• Buyers can apply to the district collector with a clear reason.
• Getting approval for conversion can be difficult for agricultural land.
• Ensure you meet eligibility criteria, domicile status, and lease period.
• Leased government land remains owned by the State, with limited rights.
Final Words
These government plots for sale need complex documentation, they are time bound and also strict with their plots purpose. One should always verify all the details as well as should only proceed as per one’s need, because not all the plots suit your needs.
Always read guidelines and circulars for better and appropriate information. I have provided you all the details regarding and also shared the process involved. For more info, always visit your concerned authority’s web portal.